👉 Pho 111 | Vietnamese restaurant Lacey, WA 98516 have different types of Pho and many other famous cuisines that are loved not only by Vietnamese but also by foreigners.

Pho 111 | Vietnamese noodles soup 98516 | Vietnamese restaurant Lacey, WA 98516
Pho 111 | Vietnamese noodles soup 98516 | Vietnamese restaurant Lacey, WA 98516

Located conveniently in Lacey, WA 98516, Pho 111 | Vietnamese noodles soup 98516 | Vietnamese restaurant Lacey, WA 98516 is a famous address for anyone who loves Vietnamese food.

Pho 111 is a full-service restaurant features a variety of dishes with delicate sauces, and traditional Vietnamese cuisine made only with the freshest ingredients. So whether you are looking for that one special dish you’ve tasted in your travel or just a simple, relaxing dining experience with Vietnamese ambiance, Pho 111 is the place to experience it all!

Come see us and find out about all the delicious treats we have for you!
Add: 8765 Tallon Ln NE, Ste N, Lacey, WA 98516
Tel: 360-742-3753
Mail: quoctuyenle@yahoo.com

Blog | Vietnamese noodles soup 98516 | Vietnamese restaurant Lacey, WA 98516
